UPENN Collegiate Tennis Camp

This is one of my most memorable camps. As you all know, I am a tennis fanatic. I love playing tennis! I was looking forward to this opportunity to participate in this camp and offered the ability to be seen by college coaches. In order to prepare, I practiced sometimes up to 4 hours a day.

It was the summer, and 3 days before I had just finished my last session. It was 104 degrees, and I buckled walking off the court. My body seized up, every muscle went into spasms. I was hydrating but it was clearly not enough. I was taken to the hospital and my muscle enzyme was 4 times the normal level due to muscle breakdown from playing and becoming dehydrated.

I was given IV fluids and I began drinking enough fluids so I would be able to get on that flight and play again in 3 days. For the next few days, I received IV fluids each day. My muscles stopped hurting and the muscle cramps were almost gone. I was able to make the flight to Philadelphia and played all week.

I learned a big lesson about hydration and muscle breakdown.

Each day we should consume 64 ounces, but if you are engaged in strenuous activity you should consume an additional 32 ounces of electrolyte fluids like Liquid IV.


ACT 2023
